This year the organizers of PyCon Germany picked Munich as the location for PyCon Germany 2016. What a great decision! Munich is easily Germanys most beautiful city, and it’s relatively close to Stuttgart. PyCon, Munich and the beginning Bockbier season that rightfully inspired artists in all times. What a package!
The Conference
The conference took place at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University (LMU), located close to the city center right next to English Garden. It was a great opportunity to get a peek into other Python domains beyond VFX, like data science, webdevelopment or machine learning. I picked up a lot of inspiration and workflow improvements along the way. Be it for PyCharm debugging, more advanced profiling through interpreter hooks or just little tricks for writing faster Python. One of the best talks opened the second conference day: Andreas Schreiber with Python at Warp Speed. As far as I can tell, most (though not all) rooms had recording in place, so if you couldn’t make it to Munich, there might be a chance to catch up via Youtube.
- Great talks
- Great organization (Thanks to everyone involved!)
- Great city
- Great food (Bavarian Brotzeit style)